ALS is a disease that leaves people completely immobile and silent. Technologies exist to help patients communicate again, but their cost makes them inaccessible to 90% of people. The cameras included in Samsung tablets have the eye tracking and recognition technology normally used for facial recognition but, with the necessary software, they can be used for much more.
The free TALLK App uses the Samsung tablets' camera to locate pupils and other facial landmarks, and translates their movements into a predictive virtual keyboard.

Silver. Digital/Mobile, Emerging Technology, Clio Awards
Bronze. Digital/Mobile, Artificial Inteligence, Clio Awards

Gold. Pharma, Cannes Lions
Gold. Experience, Cannes Lions
Silver. Mobile, Cannes Lions

Graphite Pencil. Digital, Use of AI, D&AD
Graphite Pencil. Impact, Design, D&AD

Bronze. Digital Product, The One Show

Silver. Digital. Corporate/Social awareness, LIA Awards
Silver. Pharma & Medical. Innovation, LIA Awards
Bronze. Evolution. Creative Technology, LIA Awards
Bronze. Digital. UX - Experience, LIA Awards
Bronze. Innovative Use of Digital, LIA Awards

Gold. Innovation, Caples
Gold. Mobile, Caples

Gold. Mobile, Eurobest
Silver. Healthecare, Eurobest
Silver. Brand Experience & Activation, Eurobest

Silver. Brand Experience & Activation, El Ojo de Iberoamérica
Silver. Digital Social, El Ojo de Iberoamérica
Silver. Innovation, El Ojo de Iberoamérica
Silver. El Tercer Ojo, El Ojo de Iberoamérica

Silver. Idea, Electrónica, El Sol
Silver. Interacción a partir de data, El Sol
Bronze. Innovación, El Sol

Silver. Craft en Interacción, CdeC
Silver. Idea, CdeC
Bronze. Innovación, CdeC